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What Cars Are Compatible With DIMO?Updated 8 months ago

Almost any car manufactured in the past ten years (2008 or newer) registered in the US and Canada will be compatible. We are also supporting many cars across the EU. We're starting in this region for a combination of technical and legal reasons. 

We still only accept cars in the app that are 2008 or newer but we are planning to open up to older cars soon. This could be in February 2023 or in June 2023. We build a lot of stuff at DIMO and priorities can change. 

If you want to register an older car for support, you can do so here using the following form. It is not required for future support, but helps us understand the appetite and types of cars to expect. https://gkmkni9caof.typeform.com/to/CIi4MB8C 

If you want, you can proactively order a device. I have spoken to people who have done this so that they are ready when support expands.

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